I like to believe that cats are Web3privacy Now mascots.
Hear me out:
- cats have been at the epicenter of Internet since forever, and secretly became a mascot of digital activism
- cats are pro privacy
- they are independent, just like our team culture
- cats are selective on who they trust (rings a bell?)
- cats are nocturnal, just like most of us adhd chaotic neutrals
- chatgpt confirmed: "cats make people feel safe while embracing their quirks", and that's our cosy side of web3 privacy in one sentence.
so it's decided, (reminder: ping team).
Also, from someone that scrolls through X non stop to find some news for you, here are some general unofficial trends this week:
- lots on ai + privacy, it feels like lots of major protocols are pivoting into that
- so many partnerships! exciting, but also could you cut down on the huge graphics and just make some points on what it is going to bring?
- personal posts from privacy peeps are most apreciated
- not enough memes, who's working on this? (hint - us)
Another note from chronic online me, - with the recent events in the US, Tiktok has been blowing up, here are some notes on how genz is fighting back:
what comes first web3 or privacy?
once either will get picked up by genz crew on tiktok, it'll have a bigger effect than recent yassification of crypto in the U.S. I can feel it in my gut.
now, for the updates!
Inspiration: Going On(Line) an offering of media from the web
Inspiration: Going Off(Line) an offering of IRL events
(new/changes in bold)
Saucy Pic 🥫
Happy Monday and I'll be back next week in your inbox with more cats and lists 💖
curator: Alina