Week in the Privacy News

Week 36/2024

Sep 2 - Sep 8, 2024
🚧 Future edition

curator: Alina exactDate: 2024-12-02

hey hot stuff, how's your Monday going?

mentally we are still here - Cypherpunk Congress aftermovie just dropped!

individual talks will be out soon, hold tight.

in other news, we are opening web3privacy now yearly awards!

all december we will be sharing community selections behind:

  • best pro-privacy project
  • key news & events
  • exciting innovation
  • doxxer of the year

Explore our 2023 selection and nominate your choices for 2024!

now for the news



Inspiration: Going On(Line) an offering of media from the web


Today we have a spotlight on Aztec! Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 9 54 34 PM Their devrel Cat answered some of my questions about Aztec

  1. Why is Aztec not like other zkps?

    We’re the only L2 that is focusing on privacy. We use a combination of zero knowledge proofs and encryption to enable private execution and private state, including private interactions with Ethereum.

  2. What's an interesting thing about Aztec that will get a dev to hyperfocus and go into the rabbit hole?

    In my opinion the coolest thing to play with is what we call portals, which is what enables the private interactions with Ethereum. Remember zk.money? You can make this kinda application super easily now. We have a tutorial for that ;)

  3. If Aztec had a tinder what would be the bio?

    I’ll be transparent about my feelings for you, but private in the way that I show you.

  4. What’s the weirdest Aztec use case you’ve heard of?

    Ok, so a cool thing about zero knowledge proofs is the fact they are actually verifiably true. Duh. But this means that with Aztec’s native account abstraction, there is no entrypoint function into an account as long as it’s a private function ie you are generating a proof. So you could have something like pump.fun but it authenticates who you are based on how you scream the token you want to buy. And because proving is client side, you can be sure your weird-ass scream is never sent anywhere.

  5. Working at Aztec, what show or a movie you’d compare it to?

    Scott Pilgrim vs the world. We’ve gotta fight the 7 evil exes of privacy in order to get this thing live, and 5 of them are the US government.

That's all on Aztec 🫶

Don't forget to add/update your favorite projects on the Explorer! Not sure how?

Inspiration: Going Off(Line) an offering of IRL events

(new/changes in bold)

Saucy Quote 🥫

Stay private, stay fabulous.

till next monday!

curator: Alina

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