Week in the Privacy News
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Week 18/2024
Apr 29 - May 5, 2024
Buying and using Monero, privately
Privacy projects fundraising via current Gitcoin round
Cake Wallet
Prax Wallet for Penumbra
The Block:
Logos inscribes its manifesto on largest-ever Bitcoin block
Privacy & Scaling Explorations:
Core Program has been launched
Electric Coin & Co:
ECC Update
Zama.ai | Fully Homomorphic Encryption
with Jason Delabay and Dr. Morten Dahl
Monero Talk:
In Defense of the Zcash Development Fund
with Ian Sagstetter
Dark Forest
with Rachel-Rose O'Leary x DarkFi, Jaya x Nym
ETHDam 2024:
Privacy: Past, Present and the Post Quantum World
with Dr. David Chaum x xx network
ETHDam 2024:
The Fight for Privacy
with Ameen Soleimani x Oxbow
ETHDam 2024:
Navigating Privacy & Scaling Explorations
with Vivian Plasencia, Tyler AtHeartEngineer, Hendrik Eeckhaut, and Sam Richards
Panel on “Privacy in Web3”
with Daniel Lumi x ZkSync, Mykola Siusko x Web3Privacy Now and Ivan FB x Waku
Bitcoin Magazine:
Samourai, Tornado Cash & FATF
, @LyudaKozlovska, @jardemalie, @sethforprivacy, @J9Roem
What Bitcoin Did:
First They Came for Samourai
with Seth For Privacy
Samourai Wallet Charges Raise Existential Questions for Privacy Tech
Distilling the Tornado Cash and Samourai Suits
Wasabi Wallet and Phoenix Leave the U.S.; What’s Next for Non-Custodial Crypto?
Wasabi Wallet-Developer Blocks U.S. Citizens and Residents After Samourai Wallet Arrests
'Clock is Ticking' on Bitcoin Privacy: Edward Snowden
The Block:
Samourai Wallet's Keonne Rodriguez pleads not guilty to money laundering, transmitting charges
US senators, FBI aren’t opposed to crypto privacy: Railgun contributor
Amir Taaki:
Samourai Devs Arrested is a Wake Up Call for Crypto
Upcoming events
(new/changes in
May 24-26,
May 30,
Web3Privacy Now Summit
(Prague) conference
Jun 7-9,
(Prague) conference & hackathon
Jun 27,
Privacy Reunion #3
Oct 4-6,
Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis (HCPP)
(Prague) conference
Oct 4-6,
Web3Privacy Now Summit
(Brno) conference
privacy hackathon
Release helper
Week in the Privacy News - 18/2024
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Weekly newsletter with round-up of the most important news happening around privacy in Web3. This edition covers period Apr 29 - May 5, 2024.
Content (HTML)
<!-- ### Research ### Ecosystem ### Grants ### Releases ### Podcasts ### Governments ### Other --> <hr> <h3>Research</h3> <ul> <li><a href="https://twitter.com/freedomtech/status/1785637104115953683">Buying and using Monero, privately</a></li> <li><a href="https://twitter.com/web3privacy/status/1785072707840639469">Privacy projects fundraising via current Gitcoin round</a></li> </ul> <hr> <h3>Releases</h3> <ul> <li>Cake Wallet <a href="https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/blob/main/cw_bitcoin/lib/electrum_derivations.dart">v4.15.5</a></li> <li>Prax Wallet for Penumbra <a href="https://praxwallet.com">v1.0</a></li> </ul> <hr> <h3>Ecosystem</h3> <ul> <li>The Block: <a href="https://www.theblock.co/post/292403/logos-manifesto-inscription-bitcoin">Logos inscribes its manifesto on largest-ever Bitcoin block</a></li> <li>Privacy & Scaling Explorations: <a href="https://pse-team.notion.site/PSE-Core-Program-2024-64ae61c3d7e74bf4bf9c15914ef22460">Core Program has been launched</a></li> <li>Electric Coin & Co: <a href="https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/today-we-sail-ecc-update-for-may-3/47577">ECC Update</a></li> </ul> <hr> <h3>Podcasts</h3> <ul> <li>Logos: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4F5AAhAYtY">Zama.ai | Fully Homomorphic Encryption</a> with Jason Delabay and Dr. Morten Dahl</li> <li>Monero Talk: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkTR3QCSSpw">In Defense of the Zcash Development Fund</a> with Ian Sagstetter</li> <li>LunarDAO: <a href="https://twitter.com/lunarpunksquad/status/1786447048750886939">Dark Forest</a> with Rachel-Rose O'Leary x DarkFi, Jaya x Nym</li> <li>ETHDam 2024: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVWCYvKeH14">Privacy: Past, Present and the Post Quantum World</a> with Dr. David Chaum x xx network</li> <li>ETHDam 2024: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN7kZDL6ar4">The Fight for Privacy</a> with Ameen Soleimani x Oxbow</li> <li>ETHDam 2024: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTgfIQBZRf4">Navigating Privacy & Scaling Explorations</a> with Vivian Plasencia, Tyler AtHeartEngineer, Hendrik Eeckhaut, and Sam Richards</li> <li>Web3FC: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUFlQsxoZVI">Panel on “Privacy in Web3”</a> with Daniel Lumi x ZkSync, Mykola Siusko x Web3Privacy Now and Ivan FB x Waku</li> <li>Bitcoin Magazine: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUFlQsxoZVI">Samourai, Tornado Cash & FATF</a> with <a href="https://twitter.com/alexis_roussel">@alexis_roussel</a>, @LyudaKozlovska, @jardemalie, @sethforprivacy, @J9Roem</li> <li>What Bitcoin Did: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FlM1WYAWcw">First They Came for Samourai</a> with Seth For Privacy</li> </ul> <hr> <h3>Governments</h3> <ul> <li>Coindesk: <a href="https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/04/25/samourai-wallet-charges-raise-existential-questions-for-privacy-tech/">Samourai Wallet Charges Raise Existential Questions for Privacy Tech</a></li> <li>Coindesk: <a href="https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/04/30/distilling-the-tornado-cash-and-samourai-suits/">Distilling the Tornado Cash and Samourai Suits</a></li> <li>Coindesk: <a href="https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/04/29/as-wasabi-wallet-and-phoenix-leave-the-us-whats-next-for-non-custodial-crypto/">Wasabi Wallet and Phoenix Leave the U.S.; What’s Next for Non-Custodial Crypto?</a></li> <li>Coindesk: <a href="https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/04/29/wasabi-wallet-developer-blocks-us-citizens-and-residents-after-samourai-wallet-arrests/">Wasabi Wallet-Developer Blocks U.S. Citizens and Residents After Samourai Wallet Arrests</a></li> <li>DeCrypt: <a href="https://decrypt.co/229262/bitcoin-privacy-edward-snowden-clock-is-ticking">'Clock is Ticking' on Bitcoin Privacy: Edward Snowden</a></li> <li>The Block: <a href="https://www.theblock.co/post/291571/samourai-wallets-keonne-rodriguez-pleads-not-guilty-to-money-laundering-transmitting-charges">Samourai Wallet's Keonne Rodriguez pleads not guilty to money laundering, transmitting charges</a></li> <li>Cointelegraph: <a href="https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-politicians-arent-opposed-crypto-defi-privacy-railgun-ethereum">US senators, FBI aren’t opposed to crypto privacy: Railgun contributor</a></li> </ul> <hr> <h3>Other</h3> <ul> <li>Amir Taaki: <a href="https://dark.fi/insights/samourai-devs-arrested-is-a-wake-up-call.html">Samourai Devs Arrested is a Wake Up Call for Crypto</a></li> </ul> <hr> <h3>Upcoming events</h3> <p><em>(new/changes in <strong>bold</strong>)</em></p> <ul> <li>May 24-26, <a href="https://ethberlin.org/">ETHBerlin</a> hackathon</li> <li>May 30, <a href="https://web3privacy.info/events/">Web3Privacy Now Summit</a> (Prague) conference</li> <li>Jun 7-9, <a href="https://monerokon.org/">MoneroKon</a> (Prague) conference & hackathon</li> <li>Jun 27, <a href="https://lu.ma/privacyreunion3">Privacy Reunion #3</a> (Neuchâtel)</li> <li>Oct 4-6, <a href="https://hcpp.cz/">Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis (HCPP)</a> (Prague) conference</li> <li>Oct 4-6, <a href="https://ethrome.org/">ETHRome</a> hackathon</li> <li>Oct, <a href="https://web3privacy.info/events/">Web3Privacy Now Summit</a> (Brno) conference</li> <li>Oct, <a href="https://ethbrno.cz/">ETHBrno</a> privacy hackathon</li> </ul>
Content (Markdown)
<!-- ### Research ### Ecosystem ### Grants ### Releases ### Podcasts ### Governments ### Other --> --- ### Research * [Buying and using Monero, privately](https://twitter.com/freedomtech/status/1785637104115953683) * [Privacy projects fundraising via current Gitcoin round](https://twitter.com/web3privacy/status/1785072707840639469) --- ### Releases * Cake Wallet [v4.15.5](https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/blob/main/cw_bitcoin/lib/electrum_derivations.dart) * Prax Wallet for Penumbra [v1.0](https://praxwallet.com) --- ### Ecosystem - The Block: [Logos inscribes its manifesto on largest-ever Bitcoin block](https://www.theblock.co/post/292403/logos-manifesto-inscription-bitcoin) - Privacy & Scaling Explorations: [Core Program has been launched](https://pse-team.notion.site/PSE-Core-Program-2024-64ae61c3d7e74bf4bf9c15914ef22460) - Electric Coin & Co: [ECC Update](https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/today-we-sail-ecc-update-for-may-3/47577) --- ### Podcasts - Logos: [Zama.ai | Fully Homomorphic Encryption](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4F5AAhAYtY) with Jason Delabay and Dr. Morten Dahl - Monero Talk: [In Defense of the Zcash Development Fund](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkTR3QCSSpw) with Ian Sagstetter - LunarDAO: [Dark Forest](https://twitter.com/lunarpunksquad/status/1786447048750886939) with Rachel-Rose O'Leary x DarkFi, Jaya x Nym - ETHDam 2024: [Privacy: Past, Present and the Post Quantum World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVWCYvKeH14) with Dr. David Chaum x xx network - ETHDam 2024: [The Fight for Privacy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN7kZDL6ar4) with Ameen Soleimani x Oxbow - ETHDam 2024: [Navigating Privacy & Scaling Explorations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTgfIQBZRf4) with Vivian Plasencia, Tyler AtHeartEngineer, Hendrik Eeckhaut, and Sam Richards - Web3FC: [Panel on “Privacy in Web3”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUFlQsxoZVI) with Daniel Lumi x ZkSync, Mykola Siusko x Web3Privacy Now and Ivan FB x Waku - Bitcoin Magazine: [Samourai, Tornado Cash & FATF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUFlQsxoZVI) with [@alexis_roussel](https://twitter.com/alexis_roussel), @LyudaKozlovska, @jardemalie, @sethforprivacy, @J9Roem - What Bitcoin Did: [First They Came for Samourai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FlM1WYAWcw) with Seth For Privacy --- ### Governments - Coindesk: [Samourai Wallet Charges Raise Existential Questions for Privacy Tech](https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/04/25/samourai-wallet-charges-raise-existential-questions-for-privacy-tech/) - Coindesk: [Distilling the Tornado Cash and Samourai Suits](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/04/30/distilling-the-tornado-cash-and-samourai-suits/) - Coindesk: [Wasabi Wallet and Phoenix Leave the U.S.; What’s Next for Non-Custodial Crypto?](https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/04/29/as-wasabi-wallet-and-phoenix-leave-the-us-whats-next-for-non-custodial-crypto/) - Coindesk: [Wasabi Wallet-Developer Blocks U.S. Citizens and Residents After Samourai Wallet Arrests](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/04/29/wasabi-wallet-developer-blocks-us-citizens-and-residents-after-samourai-wallet-arrests/) - DeCrypt: ['Clock is Ticking' on Bitcoin Privacy: Edward Snowden](https://decrypt.co/229262/bitcoin-privacy-edward-snowden-clock-is-ticking) - The Block: [Samourai Wallet's Keonne Rodriguez pleads not guilty to money laundering, transmitting charges](https://www.theblock.co/post/291571/samourai-wallets-keonne-rodriguez-pleads-not-guilty-to-money-laundering-transmitting-charges) - Cointelegraph: [US senators, FBI aren’t opposed to crypto privacy: Railgun contributor](https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-politicians-arent-opposed-crypto-defi-privacy-railgun-ethereum) --- ### Other - Amir Taaki: [Samourai Devs Arrested is a Wake Up Call for Crypto](https://dark.fi/insights/samourai-devs-arrested-is-a-wake-up-call.html) --- ### Upcoming events *(new/changes in **bold**)* * May 24-26, [ETHBerlin](https://ethberlin.org/) hackathon * May 30, [Web3Privacy Now Summit](https://web3privacy.info/events/) (Prague) conference * Jun 7-9, [MoneroKon](https://monerokon.org/) (Prague) conference & hackathon * Jun 27, [Privacy Reunion #3](https://lu.ma/privacyreunion3) (Neuchâtel) * Oct 4-6, [Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis (HCPP)](https://hcpp.cz/) (Prague) conference * Oct 4-6, [ETHRome](https://ethrome.org/) hackathon * Oct, [Web3Privacy Now Summit](https://web3privacy.info/events/) (Brno) conference * Oct, [ETHBrno](https://ethbrno.cz/) privacy hackathon
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